Guile Scheme Modules

I have written some Guile Scheme functions and macros that I have found useful, and have packaged them up as Guile modules. (More Guile modules and scripts I have written can be found here.)

Table of Contents


While not formally documented, most functions have comments regarding their usage. Some useful functions and macros include:

  • The macros when and unless.
  • Anaphoric macros as found in Paul Graham's On Lisp book, like aif, aand, and acond.
  • Macros like compose-chain, let-nth, and slot-mod!.

You can browse the sources here.

You can download the source code from the table of attachments below.

compose-chain Macro

The compose-chain macro lets you unravel complex compositions into a more linear and legible form. It has the following form:

  (compose-chain (var)
    expr2 ...)
First, expr1 is evaluated and the result bound to var for expr2 to use. The result of expr2 is then bound to var for the next expression to use. The result of the evaluation of the final expression is returned as the result of compose-chain.

For example, the following expression:

  (enumerate* (shape-square
               (row (row (make <pin> #:thickness 10) rows 0 row-pitch)
                    pins-per-row pin-pitch 0)
can be rewritten like this:
  (compose-chain (p)
    (make <pin> #:thickness 10)
    (row p rows 0 row-pitch)
    (row p pins-per-row pin-pitch 0)
    (shape-square p 0)
    (enumerate* p 1))
which is itself equivalent to:
  (let* ((p (make <pin> #:thickness 10))
         (p (row p rows 0 row-pitch))
         (p (row p pins-per-row pin-pitch 0))
         (p (shape-square p 0)))
    (enumerate* p 1))

let-nth Macro

The let-nth macro is useful for binding variables to values taken sequentially from a list. It has the following form:

  (let-nth ((var expr) ...)
    body ...)
let-nth is just like Scheme's let*, except that the environment for evaluating each expr has bound within it a function called nth. The nth function defined for the first expr is equivalent to (lambda (x) (list-ref x 0)); i.e., it extracts the first element of a list. The nth defined for the second expr is equivalent to (lambda (x) (list-ref x 1)); i.e., it extracts the second element of a list. And so on.

While I've found let-nth useful in a variety of situations, lately I've used it to extract position-based command line arguments from within Guile scripts. For example, here's a snippet from a script where parameters is a list of command line arguments, and where the first argument is a description, the second argument is a pin count, etc.:

  (let-nth ((description (nth parameters))
            (pin-count (string->number (nth parameters)))
            (pin-width (evaled-string->cmil options (nth parameters)))
            (pin-length (evaled-string->cmil options (nth parameters)))
            (pin-offset (evaled-string->cmil options (nth parameters)))
            (component-width (evaled-string->cmil options (nth parameters)))
            (body-width (evaled-string->cmil options (nth parameters))))

slot-mod! Macro

The slot-mod! macro is like slot-set!, except that you can reference the previous value of the slot using the <> symbol. For example, assuming that an object, obj, has a slot named x, you can replace the current value of slot x with its square with the following expression:

  (slot-mod! obj 'x (* <> <>))
This is equivalent to the following expression:
  (slot-set! obj 'x (* (slot-ref obj 'x) (slot-ref obj 'x)))


To install the Guile modules:

  1. Download the source code from the table of attachements below.
  2. Untar the distribution file; e.g.:
    • tar -xzf octw-guile-general-modules-1.0.tar.gz
  3. Edit the Makefile:
    • Change the INSTALL_DIR to point to the directory in which you would like to install the modules.
  4. Run make to install the modules.
Topic attachments
  Attachment Size Date Comment
elsegz octw-guile-general-modules-1.0.tar.gz 15.7 K 09 Sep 2008 - 22:01 General Guile Library 1.0
r12 - 30 Sep 2008 - 04:56:40 - DeanFerreyraYou are here: Bourbon Street Software  > GeneralGuileLibrary
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